PHE Mechanism

ASEAN comprises of ten Member States which form a diverse and dynamic region experiencing rapid demographic, epidemiological and socio-economic growth. These developments also pose a lot of threats and challenges to public health that health systems of Member States continuously endeavor to address.


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ASEAN Health Ministers

ASEAN comprises of ten Member States which form a diverse and dynamic region experiencing rapid demographic, epidemiological and socio-economic growth. These developments also pose a lot of threats and challenges to public health that health systems of Member States continuously endeavor to address. Gaps continue to exist between and within countries in the region. In some of the countries, poverty remains the most important determinant for health status, mainly for marginalized and vulnerable groups, including those living in remote, isolated, mountainous or island communities.
Globalization, trade liberalization and community integration presented developmental opportunities for the region. These also resulted to rapid urbanization and industrialization, increased migration and travel, mushrooming of mega-cities and overpopulation, pollution and environmental problems to name a few. The region is also prone to natural diseases and is increasingly experiencing the impacts of climate change 

ASEAN Senior Officials (SOMHD)

Guided by the ASEAN Post-2015 Health Development Agenda (APHDA) and its Governance and Implementation Mechanism (GIM), the ASEAN Health Sector Cooperation deployed and operationalized the established and existing health mechanisms for technical exchanges, information sharing, and updates on policy-related measures in responding to COVID-19.

Employing an all hazards approach through the whole-of-health-system and whole-of-government approach, the ASEAN Health Sector addressed the COVID-19 threat in the whole spectrum of preparedness, detection, mitigation, and response measures through the various health platforms. All ASEAN Member States through the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Health Development (SOMHD) and SOMHD Plus Three reaffirmed their commitment to further enhance coordination and cooperation to control the spread of the COVID-19.

ASEAN Emergency Operation Centre (ASEAN EOC) Network

The ASEAN EOC Network for public health led by Ministry of Health Malaysia, provided a platform among ASEAN Member States officials working at the respective Crisis Centre and/or disease prevention and control, to share information in timely manner through various mechanism of communication.

Rapid and daily communication among the members such as sharing of information on the new confirmed cases and any measures taken at the national level is currently done through the WhatsApp mobile application. 

Last Updates

Assesment on COVID-19 by ASEAN Bio Diaspora Virtual Center and World Health Organization

ASEAN BioDiaspora Virtual Centre (ABVC)

The ASEAN BioDiaspora project spearheaded by Indonesia as the lead Country, obtained its endorsement for BioDiaspora project as part of the cooperation under ASEAN – Canada Partnership Program in 2014 by the ASEAN Expert Group on Communicable Diseases (AEGCD) and it was subsequently endorsed by the ASEAN Senior Official Meeting on Health Development (SOMHD). The ASEAN BioDiaspora project also articulated and included as one project activity under the ASEAN Health Cluster 2 Work Programme “Responding to All Hazards and Emerging Threats” 2016 – 2020. 

ASEAN+3 Field Epidemiology Training Network (ASEAN+3 FETN)

Guided by the Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting on 23 July 2010 in Singapore, where the Health Ministers of ASEAN Plus Three Countries have agreed upon the common aim in improving health situation in the region, and supported the development of networking among Field Epidemiology Training Programs in ASEAN Member States (AMS) and Plus Three Countries. 

ASEAN Biosafety & Biosecurity Network

In 2017 – 2018 as part of the MBT Phase 1, Thailand initiated the project of Biosafety Engineering and Control for Health Laboratories in ASEAN that served as the foundation of key networking activities among ASEAN member states on improving the biosafety and bioengineering within each country and considered as one of the attempts to harmonize biosafety and biosecurity guidelines in ASEAN.