Situation Repot of COVID-19 in the ASEAN Region – 19 August 2022

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Situation Repot of COVID-19 in the ASEAN Region – 19 August 2022

Situation Report

August 19, 2022

Situation Repot of COVID-19 in the ASEAN Region – 19 August 2022

Time Period Covered August 19, 2022 - August 19, 2022

• Worldwide, there have been over 600 million cases and over 6 million deaths attributed
to COVID-19.
• According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Weekly Epidemiological Update,
with more than 5.4 million new cases recorded globally, the number of new weekly
cases fell by 24% during the week of August 8–14, 2022, compared to the week before.
Over 15,000 fatalities were recorded, a 6% drop from the previous week in the number
of new deaths. Globally, 6.4 million fatalities and 587 million confirmed cases have been
recorded as of August 14, 2022.