Time Period Covered January 27, 2020 - January 27, 2020
There is evidence of broader geographic spread across mainland China and the
rest of Asia, Australia, Europe, USA and Canada
WHO said earlier that an animal source seemed to be "the most likely primary
source" with "some limited human-to-human transmission occurring between
close contacts."
HEIC is still NOT declared but they consider it an emergency event and that they
are.montoring it closely.
WHO’s assessment of the risk of this event has not changed since the last update
(22 Jan): very high in China, high at the regional level and high at the global
level. Using the Biodiaspora tools, there’s approximately 21% to 28% risk of
disease importation to ASEAN region via air travel. The risk of importation is
interpreted as the probability of at least one (1) imported infected traveler in one
month going to area of destination. In addition, the risk of exportation is
approximately 61% to 81% which means there’s at least 1 to 2 exported infected
traveler in one month. This is based in the case burden of the source region and
the monthly outbound air passenger volume. Countries with more flights and
seats from China are at greater risk of importing an infected traveler from China.
Evidence supports human-to-human transmission of the virus.
o In Guangdong, two patients were infected by family members who visited
o Fifteen medical workers helping with coronavirus patients in Wuhan have
also been diagnosed with pneumonia, with one in critical condition.
o The Wuhan South China Seafood Market which sold various live animal
species and may have been the source of the novel virus, was closed 01
January 2020. The increasing cases reported more recently indicate further
spread through human-to-human transmission is likely to continue.
o Further information is required to understand how readily the virus can be
transmitted between infected individuals.